My excitement is growing by the day! We are in the home stretch with the Bring Wes Home GoFundMe page! You can check it out here:
We are about 70% to the goal and still have three weeks to go!
It still doesn't seem real that in three weeks I will be in Salt Lake with him, and then he will be on his way home! My DAEP comes out to trim Klein and Mochi this Monday and it seems so unreal and unbelievable that the next time she comes out, Wes will be added to the list!! We will be pulling his shoes and doing his first barefoot trim!
I just cannot thank those who have donated and/or shared our page enough. I hope that I can repay you guys at least a little with documenting our reunion, his journey home, and his life with me with a lot of pictures and videos.

My sweet boy playing in new shavings one day before work.
So, friends, keep sharing the page where ever you want, as many times as you want! Bring Wes Home!!!!
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