Here is the Coroners Act of 2009, it establishes the rules for the inquests:
Two of inquests have taken place recently regarding the deaths of Caitlyn Fischer and Olivia Inglis. They are two eventers that died within weeks of each other, on cross country, at recognized events in Australia, in 2016.
The links to the entire reports are below, and if you have not read them, READ THEM. They are mostly written in layman's terms and are easy to follow for a reason, in addition to being available for anyone to read. The reports list evidence that will remain unpublished beyond the inquest due to sensitive nature. This includes video of the accident, photos of the scene, etc... so you know what you won't see in them. Again READ THEM. Please.
These reports go over the entire incident in detail. They are not to the standard of an Safety Investigation Board or Accident Investigation Board in the U.S., but they are a damn good start, and a LONG way ahead of anything U.S. Eventing is doing.
Their purpose: "Inquests have a forward-thinking, preventative focus. At the end of many inquests Coroners often exercise a power, provided for by section 82 of the Act, to make recommendations. These recommendations are made, usually, to government and non-government organisations, in order to seek to address systemic issues that are highlighted and examined during the course of an inquest. Recommendations in relation to any matter connected with a person’s death may be made if a Coroner considers them to be necessary or desirable."
I'm going to discuss them in detail, but before I do that, I really want you guys to read them. Please. ESPECIALLY if you are still eventing. Read what is, and is not, happening at these events. If you think these shenanigans are just that...keep in mind these were both RECOGNIZED events.
Olivia Inglis Inquest Report:
Caitlyn Fisher Inquest Report:
The next post will discuss them in detail. On second thought, to keep things more organized, I might actually split them up and discuss them each in detail in their own posts.
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