Monday, January 13, 2020

Recent Schooling

Klein has been jumping courses again and rising to every challenge like usual.  We have been doing a lot of ground rails on the flat too.  The other day I left the jumps really low and did some crazy bending lines and jumped everything on an angle.  She nailed every single thing I asked her to do.

Scroll through for a video.

Recently I've had her work on auto changes as well.  I have never put any time into teaching her to just change.  9 times out of 10 she'll land on the correct lead and we don't think much about it.  I have also had instructors tell me to be careful with teaching them changes because you may open up a door you're not ready to have open yet.  Meaning it just confuses them and if you're not at Third Level to leave well enough alone.  Klein is smart enough to listen and realize when we're out on course and she needs to just do a lead change, or if we are working on counter canter and she doesn't need to do a change.

I did teach her flying changes, and that's another reason I'm not concerned.  She doesn't just throw out the changes all over the place, I have to ask.  About a week and a half ago I spent some time teaching her automatic flying changes.  With Super B, I'm lucky that she just does them, and it was the way I ride with Super B to get them that made me think to give it a try with Klein.

Klein got it right away.  While she was late behind a little, if we do them regularly and she gets stronger at them, they'll be no issue and she won't be late behind.  All it means now is that she understands what to do and she's doing it.  Then the ride after that, we were on the landing side of a jump and she landed on the wrong lead.  She fixed herself immediately.  She never used to do that, but since I spent that ONE ride working on it, she totally gets it.  My girls are ridiculously smart.

We have also been enjoying walks through the neighborhood.  The weather has been beautiful so we take full advantage of it on the weekends.

Just a random goat, doing goat things.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Green Light Go!

Last week I took Super B and Klein in for their routine Coggins and had a follow up exam done on Super B since this week was the week where I could start getting back on her and walking under saddle.  I took them to the clinic because Klein is a fan favorite, and I wanted everyone to be able to see how Super B was doing, and how great she looks.  Every single person there had a part in saving her life.

Everyone was happy to see them and Super B and her vet even had a moment.  The vet put her head against B's forehead and B just stayed there, no mare glares.  She knows.  It was really sweet to see.  Everyone was thrilled with how B looks.  Her incision looks amazing and the vet palpated it to find everything has healed perfectly.  She gave us the green light to start walking under saddle this week.  She said two weeks of walking then we can introduce some trotting for the next two weeks.  After two weeks of walk/trot I will have another follow up exam done to make sure everything still looks good.

This was almost two weeks ago.  I will take a more recent one.  The little scab is now gone completely.

The vet said normally she says four weeks of walking first but is allowing us to trot after two weeks because I had that follow up exam done.  She said most people don't have an exam done unless there's an issue.  My jaw dropped.  What?!  Colic surgery is a MAJOR surgery.  WHY would you not have follow up exams at milestones?!  No chances will be taken with Super B.

Yesterday was THE DAY.  I hopped on her bareback and it's like she never had a day off.  I thought I was going to cry but I decided no, I'm not going to cry because we're not going to dwell on the past.  The bad days are behind us, we made it, we're here, she looks and feels great, we're only looking forward.

Today I tacked her up and I guess she thought since she had her works clothes on it was time to GO TO WORK.  She was WIIIIIILD today!  Last night we walked around on a loose rein.  Today?  I rode no less than three airs above ground.  She'll get it quickly though, we're JUST WALKING right now.  I feel bad for her because she wants to get out and go so bad, and so do I, but, that's just the way it is, she's not there yet.  We'll get there.  I wish we could just gallop off too, but that's months away.  You can't fault her for being ready to work.  I just laugh at her and tell her to chill, I don't get after her for being enthusiastic.  There's nothing wrong with that.

#topshelf #stunner